Ethan 'n Beckett Land

Thursday, November 01, 2007


After daddy came home from work, we went outside to carve our pumpkins. With power tools, of course!
Man, it was quick and Ethan thought it was pretty cool! Troy gutted 5 pumpkins and carved faces in 3 of them in about 10 minutes. He left the other 2 gutted pumpkins for me to carve the old fashioned way.
Auntie Tracy came over to play and help trick or treat.
We tried bribing Ethan with candy to sit still for some pictures with limited success. We got the pictures but his mouth is full in all of the pictures. After a few minutes, the sugar hit and he could no longer sit still...
Here are all of our beautiful pumpkins and a really "scary" looking lion, "ROAWRWRW":
Mormor and Papa Chris came over to visit and handed out candy while we went around to houses.
Troy is genius and had the clever idea to use Ethan's puppy knapsack to hold the candy. Out of sight out of mind - and his hands were free. Daddy is so smart! Don't they look cute:
We went to the Webb's house first. Fred and Karen invited Ethan in to the foyer to get his goody bag. So after that it must have been assumed that Ethan was supposed to go in every house where we knocked on the door - because that is what he tried to do.
Daddy and Auntie Tracy took turns knocking on doors and dragging Ethan out of people's houses.
We went half way down our block and back before Ethan got tired. He sure got a lot of goodies!
Beckett can't wait until it is his turn too! MMMOOO!


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