When we don't go to Kindergym or playgroup with our hour-ish window of free awake time in the morning - we like to go to Meadow Park around the corner from where we live to get some fresh air.
There are often other short people to play with, which has become increasingly important to Ethan. When we get to the park and it is empty he whines that, "Ohhh, dares NO kids at de PARK!". I guess feeding my brother a stick will have to do... Actually, Ethan usually gets over it pretty quick and plays in the sand or finds ways to entertain himself. Today there was a bunch of heavy equipment digging a new water filter system so he was pretty captivated by the diggers and dump truck and "werking mans!" (men wearing hard hats). Beckett loves the trips outside too because there is so much to see. But, in all honestly, he keenly watches Ethan most of the time. Even when eating. Ethan still loves to play with the dog. He will throw the sticks that Cooper finds. And tease him. Come and get me! Come and get me!
I'm gonna hide it so Cooper can't get it.
Oh no! It fell and Cooper got it! I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you! Cooper STOP! WAIT!
Email - troyandregina-at-shaw.ca
"Travel" journal documenting my trip through motherhood.
Mom to Ethan Marshall born October 6, 2005 and Beckett Carter born September 4th, 2007.
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