Ethan 'n Beckett Land

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Beckett, Six Months or Twenty Six Weeks Old!

You are at the age of baby perfection. Just learning to sit, and very responsive and curious - but not yet able to move and get into things. A perfect little angel for the time being... I'm hoping my mantra of "This too shall pass" will not apply to your wonderful disposition.

It is impossible to explain how happy you really are. You are the most mellow fellow - so laid back and ok with almost everything that happens. But you are not passive. You are very smiley and engaging and vocal. You like to be in on the action, and you know how to roll with the punches. I am grateful of how very lucky we are to have you as a baby.

You love to be on the move in the sling or the stroller, you love to eat your newly found solid foods, you are amazed by your brother and how quickly he noisily gallops around you. Your face lights up when your Daddy comes home - and I think it is the best part of his day to see how authentically happy you are when he walks in the door. You have big smiles for him and you think it is especially funny when he acts like a big ape - swinging his arms and "Ooh ooh ahh ahh"-ing.

Right now you squish your face up and close your eyes and pucker your lips and slowly squeeze out wheezing and sputtering sounds. Its like you are trying to blow up a really stiff balloon that won't budge. You have also started the "Abah-pah-ba-buh-bub-ah-ah" sequence of sounds - but you seem to always do it as if you were running out of breath, and of course with a lot of eyebrow furrowing and emotion. Good stories...

The way you look is starting to change and I know that within a couple of months we will be able to see what you will look like as you get older. That is exciting, but right now I am happy just to squish your rolls, tickle the back of you neck and brush your fuzzy head against my face while you giggle.

Happy Half-Birthday Beckett

Love Mama


  • Happy 6 month Day Baby Beckett!

    By Blogger Alicia, at 6:41 PM  

  • Gosh Beckett you sure make me excited to have my little present come a long!

    Ethan you just tell them you like your hockey hair!

    Love you both

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:48 PM  

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