Birthday Party #2 - Family
...again...this is Ethan's second - 1st birthday! Too many people to have over at one party.
Great Uncle Otto and Auntie Alicia.
Great Auntie Anne, Grammie Sharon, and Mormor.
Great Auntie Cathy
Auntie Tracy and me trying out some of my new stuff.
Me and Grampie - Troy's Dad, Dan. Cousin Karmen and her son, Rylan.
Nana - grandma Kathleen.
Me and Oldemor - my great grandmother all the way from Norway!
Mormor, and Darren and Uncle Grant eating some awesome chili.
Oldemor, mama, me, Auntie Natalie and Uncle Axl.
Dad helping me open my presents.
Grandpa Chris, Uncle Andrew and Auntie Tracy - thanks for coming, everyone!