Wow! Looking back I see that I am now 2 months behind in the story of our lives. I started back to work in May and since then when I sit down at a computer it has been to work furiously away while the kids are sleeping. Morning, noon and night!
I often compose blog posts in my head while we are enjoying a particularly funny and satisfying morning - or while I watch the kids bounce around the park on perfect sunny days... Unfortunately, I can't seem to drag myself to the keyboard to record it, so the moments float around as warm and fuzzy thought patterns through my mind (or grey and foggy depending on the day we are having around here).
It has been fantastic for me to be something other than a Mom. I love those kids to death, but sometimes I need to feel productive doing something other than tending to short people and housework. Doing my best at keeping balanced and fulfilled in all areas of my life.
Once again we have made a couple of big changes - new puppy, and Mama back at work. And once again I feel like I am finally getting my rhythm back after adjusting to those changes.
Ethan is in the middle of frequently rejecting his nap and being semi-psychotic in the afternoons. Beckett is opening and emptying drawers and cupboards, and cruising on furniture and falling and squishing fingers lots just as a good pre-toddler should. Kobe is constantly wrestling with Ethan and stealing toys from Beckett and uprooting plants and digging in the yard - BUT - strangely enough we have hit a comfortable feeling rhythm in our family where we are not so overwhelmed with life and we just have a good time everyday (crazy or not - more often CRAZY!).
I hope that I can start finding the time not only to catch up, but also to make time to keep up with the website at least a couple of times per week. No promises to you or to myself on this one... I still have thank you cards from last year to mail and half done birthday presents and anniversaries and friends that are patient when months pass by and they haven't heard from me - AND the busy time of year for me is coming up soon at work...
Just know that I think of my friends and family frequently and fondly. And I appreciate that you come here to check in on us - so I will make an effort to make the click worthwhile!
Welcome back to the blogging world! It's tricky to find time for everything! I finally feel (after 2 months of being home) that I have a rhythm.
I don't get to see my handsome nephews nearly enough so I'm glad I'll get to see pictures of them on her shortly and hear about their shananigans!
Alicia, at 9:54 PM
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