16 Months Old
I'm writing this after putting you to bed. After bath time tonight, we let you have some naked time before putting on pyjamas as usual - and you love it!
You run full tilt around the house laughing and slapping your belly like a drum with both hands. You look like a maniac. WE.LOVE.IT!
You run full tilt around the house laughing and slapping your belly like a drum with both hands. You look like a maniac. WE.LOVE.IT!
You are still so busy and curious - and really, such a BOY boy. You keep us busy - but in return you are so entertaining. Days just fly by - even faster then they did before. The months are becoming a blur and now when I look at you I see a little person instead of a baby. Everyone said it would happen...
Its hard to explain how much we love you.
You are just super-fantastic.
Love Mama XOXOX
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