Ten Months Old!
This month you are humorous and wild and you have forgotten how to sit still. You are attempting to conquer the world, and your territory and following gets bigger and bigger each day. You are friendly and outgoing and confident. You try to catch people's eyes and attention and you love a reaction.
You love to climb. You love to stand. You love to throw. You are 100% a noisy, dirt-loving, busy boy. From the time you wake up to the time you fall asleep, you push your body to its limits with reckless abandon. You are so curious. You understand how to open drawers and cupboards and you love to press buttons to turn things on and off and have them make various noises. I know toddlers are busy - but you really are extraordinarily busy even for a toddler.
I spend my days keeping up with you and keeping you out of trouble. It could be easy to get frustrated with you, but honestly, most of the time I find you amusing. You are like a bad puppy that does not know any better, and I love bad puppies. As I try to steer you towards good habits and good manners, I am quietly entertained by your "bull-in-a-china-shop" philosophy to life.
I can tell that the wheels in your head are moving as fast as your limbs and you constantly amaze us. Your cocked head with its furrowed brow over an inquisitive look happens over and over throughout our days. Your comprehension and the idea of cause and effect is starting to kick in. I'm not sure how you ever sleep with all those synapses going off all of the time - but I'm glad you do.
Day after perfect day has gone by this month. I stare at you trying to drink in all of the details that make you so precious. I try to inventory the dimples where your knuckles should be, the folds in your wrists, the intensity of your gestures and every other little piece of you that is now ten months old. I tiptoe in to your room each night before I go to bed to have one last look at you before the day is over. Every night I have to fight the urge to scoop you up and nestle my nose in your neck to inhale the fresh-out-of-the-bath-baby smell.
I love you,