Eight Months Old

So, eight months old and cruising! In the past couple of weeks you have started to move really quick and in the past couple of days you have become an expert at pulling yourself to a stand using anything as a crutch: a chair, an upside down laundry basket, kitchen drawers, or even the cat if he will sit still long enough. This is a far cry from your attempts to stand last week: you would crawl to the edge of the coffee table, clamp your hands on to the edge and muscle your way to standing - shaking and grunting the whole time - or collapse half way through and be hanging Superman style from the edge of the table. Now you just pop right up!
You want to eat everything we are eating - and always surprise us when we feed you something we think you won't like (like salmon or broccoli) and you come back for more and more. It appears you will not be a fussy eater unless we try to feed you proper baby food. When I feed you finger food like Cheerios and pieces of cheese you snap them up and cram them into your mouth as fast as you can now so I can only give you a few at a time.

We went to see Dr. Shoichet this week for your "six month well-baby visit" a couple of months late...whoops...but the doctor said you didn't even really need to come in for a visit because you are doing so well. He was glad that we came though and spent most of the appointment blowing raspberries on your belly and making you laugh! You are 28.5 inches tall and weigh 23 lbs. and 5 oz. What a big boy!

You look almost as big as your Auntie Tracy! You become more vocal everyday - especially to express your dislikes and frustrations. Every time you scowl at something me and your dad laugh at how serious you are and think that it is awesome that you know how to be grumpy - you look cute even when you are miserable - which is not very often.

It has become very entertaining to take you places because you are so excited by everything you see now. Grocery shopping, the park, the bottle depot or visiting Uncle Andrew with Grandpa Chris at the fire hall like the picture above. When we are somewhere new you concentrate very hard on taking in your surroundings - you want to touch everything - and when you get a hold of something your grip becomes vice-like and you twist it around to see it from all angles...and then have a taste.

You are the highlight of every day. You throw up on me every day. You are full of charm and humour. You make me crazy sometimes (when you squirm and squirm and whine and kick when I try to change your clothes on the change table - but I don't let you know it). You are unbelievably cute and squeezable and BUSY. I love you and you have made your Dad and me so happy (especially since you sleep all night now). I want you to know that after we sigh with relief having put you to bed at the end of a long day, your Daddy and I spend the next ten minutes talking about how smart, silly, and wonderful you are.
Love always,
Ethan, you are already 8 months old! Uncle Ax and I can hardly believe it! We are so proud of you and your growing ability to stand (with the "supportive" help of Oscar and Cooper!!) We look forward to sharing our summer holidays with you in the near future.
Love Auntie Natalie
Anonymous, at 8:05 PM
My sweet Ethan, you are such a handsome (big) little man... ...I can see by mommy's writing that she is completely in love with you...and the pictures of you and daddy well,,, I just will tell you I can see it in is eyes he's in love with you too..you have turned your big strong Daddy into a big strong teddy bear...I just want you to know wee Ethan that Nana Robinson thinks of you all the time and can't wait to see you again and that I love you Ethan( more than wishes and dreams )
Regina , this is such a lovely thing that your doing for Ethan ...it just continues to show what a wonderful commited mother you are.... love mom Robinson
Anonymous, at 10:56 AM
Hi Ethan
You haven't met me; I am your Great Aunt Sue. Your Daddy is my nephew. I have heard alot about you and I feel so great to see you in this lovely place called Ethan Land. You look alot like your Great Cousin Joe when he was your age. He is my only son It would be my greatest wish to Meet you one day. Give your Mom and Dad a big hug for me.I have been praying for you and your MOM*DAD since before you were born!!!!!!!
Best wishes for a great life XXXXXXXXXGreat Aunt Sue Middleton
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM
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