Ethan 'n Beckett Land

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cooper - The Best Dog, Ever

Cooper has been sick. A couple of weeks ago we took him to the vet because he was having coughing fits and gagging constantly through the day. The vet gave us a prescription for some narcotics to keep him mellow and not barking while what they thought was kennel cough got better. And he did seem to get better, he still coughed - but it was down to a few times a day.

Cooper has never been sick before. We've spent lots of money at the vet over the years - but it was all for things like stitches for cut feet and broken toes. So this is all new to us. This morning I got up and saw that he had puked by the back door. This is the normal spot for him to do this. He has always been a puker - our Cooper has a sensitive tummy. But this morning something looked different and there was some blood in the puddle.

Troy just came home from work early to take him to the vet to get him checked out again. I spent this afternoon's quiet time petting and cuddling Cooper - apologising for not having as much time and patience for him since the kids came along. Of course, he would never hold a grudge - he was just happy to have my affection and leaning into me and resting his head on me enjoying the contact.

Before they left the house, Troy saw me crying. I explained to him that I was afraid that the vet might say there is something really wrong with Cooper and he will die soon or will have to be put down. I understand that he is getting to be old - and that his passing will be inevitable - but I just don't think it should be time yet.

I'm worried that I overlooked him being extra tired, staying in bed longer than usual, not wanting to go for the second walk of the day, maybe looking a bit thinner. Things that we have summed up to him just getting older that could be an indication of something else.

I've never had a dog before Cooper, and I wouldn't say that I wasn't a dog person before getting him, I just didn't think much of dogs either way. Now that I am totally a dog person, he holds a very special piece of my heart. Those of you that know our family well know that Cooper has been pretty spoiled throughout his life. Sleeping on the bed and furniture, longs walks and hikes every day, treats and table scraps and trips to the beach. The way we have spoiled him has been nothing compared to the joy and comfort and companionship he has brought us. He is the best dog ever.


  • First off you should have a disclaimer about reading this at are making me cry.... He is part of the family, I love your family and have known all of you forever....Cooper is just one of the sweetest goober monster's I know and I appreciate all his wonderful shoe like presents! He is a master jumper and never fails to delight kids of all ages with his death defying leaps! I hope he is doing alright and make sure you call me if you need me to help with anything! If he is not getting better call me cause i need to get in my cuddle time with him and maybe a dog walk if he is feeling up to it! Love you Cooper
    Love Kellie

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:04 PM  

  • Cooper is the best dog ever and he's the reason that I wanted to get a dog. He's the guy that won me over.

    By Blogger Alicia, at 4:14 PM  

  • Your Cooper is the best "fur child"....You and Troy brought Cooper home shortly after I met Axel (11 years ago!). He turned heads at Willows Beach as the cutest puppy EVER! What was most hilarious was how he and Oscar got on at first, and how now they are the best of friends. Our thoughts are with you as you guys go through this difficult time. We really hope Cooper is okay and will pull through this sickness. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

    Love Uncle Ax, Auntie Natalie and Cousin Will

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:36 PM  

  • I agree with Kellie
    There should be a warning before reading this! :(

    I am not a dog person, honestly never really liked dogs much but Cooper is my favorite 4 legged friend! Cooper makes me love dogs... well at least him :)

    I remember when I house sat... he was the BEST company ever!
    Anyone would be so lucky to have a doggie like him!

    XoXo(for cooper)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:31 PM  

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