This morning, before an appointment, we took Ethan and Cooper to the park for a little run around because we didn't have time for a walk. So we did the usual - play on the swings, jump on the tires under the see-saw, head for the slide...
He usually does a few dozen (hundred) trips up the stairs, across the platform, and down the slide. But today something was a bit different.
On the platform of this slide is a panel of little pictures that are supposed to be word riddles. He spent about 15 minutes looking at the pictures and saying what the objects were. When you asked him, "Where's the ...", he would point to it. I love it when he does this type of thing. It means we're not just repeating words over and over again in a squeaky, enthusiastic voice for him for nothing.
Troy doesn't actually use the squeaky voice. Just for the record.
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